Steve Gannon

Elkins Park, PA

Steve Gannon

Elkins Park, PA

Leadership is not something that is outside of us. Leadership is not, “5 Secrets…” or “7 keys…” or “10 things…”. Leadership is in us… The qualities of Leadership are in fact how we see the world. Leadership, that is the way we act in the world and towards others. Leadership happens or does not happen because of how we see the world and our place in it.

For instance…

If we see the world as a safe place, where giving love, credit, appreciation, and thanks do not diminish us in any way, we feel free to give those things and more to the people around us.

When there is a limited supply of everything, and we need to hoard love, praise, and credit, we will not be able to give it.

If we really care about the people around us, we will be interested in actually listening to understand what they are saying. We will care about the feeling coming across in the way they communicate, and ‘hear’ that, in addition to the words they are saying.

If we care about people we will take the time to state our thoughts in a way that is easy for our listener to understand, and know that one size does not fit all. We care enough that we do not get upset and take it personally if and when the listener does not understand what we are saying in the way in which we intend. We can simply restate our thoughts another way, until the listener ‘hears’ us.

When we don’t care about others, we use communication to tell others what we need them to know. We only listen to others, and hear enough, to form a rebuttal or argument, and get them to agree with ‘our side’. We do not listen to understand, and certainly not to hear how the speaker is feeling.

If we care about people we will be interested in building strong relationships with them. We will make the things that are important to them important to us. We do what we can to make them feel special, and help them achieve their goals. We encourage them, and cheer at their success, because we care about them. We understand that these kinds of strong, honest relationships offer us benefits too, and that’s not why we are there. Seeing others succeed does not make us jealous… we are truly happy for them.

When we care only for ourselves, we use people. The only reason to get to know others is to get them to help us get what we want. We call for help when we need it, however we are not there for others when they need help. Others are tools to be used and put down.