Steven Kidd
Rights and Participation Enthusiast in Scotland, United Kingdom
Experienced third sector manager, specialising in education and youth projects. Considerable expertise in strategic development, rights, participation and citizenship, community engagement and capacity building.
I’m currently working on Unicef UK's flagship child rights education programme, having spent 2 years developing their award-winning Child Rights Launchpad resource. Previously, I've led the Glasgow 2014 Education Programme, worked on learner voice at Learning and Teaching Scotland (now Education Scotland) and spent 10 years at the Scottish Youth Parliament.
At home, or anywhere else for that matter, I'm a 37 year old Scot with a passion for interesting ideas, but especially keen on participation, politics, design and tech (and a bit of sport, too!) I'm also a dad, so my wonderful daughters currently monopolise more or less all of my non-working hours.
In addition, I'm a member of the British Council's Scotland Advisory Committee and a fellow of the TN2020 network.