Steve Prothero

Free Range Human in Canberra, Australia

Steve Prothero

Free Range Human in Canberra, Australia

Steve has provided consultancy services in the areas of executive coaching and facilitation including preparation of job application and interview and then leadership transition. Steve has now moved into full retirement mode - a true free range human :)

Steve had an extensive career in the Australian Public Service where he was an Assistant Secretary in the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Steve has a bachelor's degree in administration, a master's of business administration (Executive) from the Australian Graduate School of Management and has completed a leadership program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Prior to retirement Steve was an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management (AFAIM) and a Certified Profesional with the Australian Human Resources Institute (CAHRI).

As an executive officer Steve lead fully cost recovered operations, with revenue of over $100m and was responsible for 800 field staff located across Australia and overseas, in clearing all air and sea freight into Australia in relation to Commonwealth law.

Steve played a major role in the reform of victims of crime services in the Australian Capital Territory.

Steve's work in the community has included:

  • departmental representative (ACT Justice and Community Safety) on the ACT Domestic Violence Prevention Council.
  • past Chair of the Executive Committee, Victims of Crime Assistance League (ACT) Inc.
  • past board member of the Community Correction Board. A community representative on the ACT government's board over-sighting community service orders issued by the ACT Supreme Court and the ACT Magistrates Court.
  • past member of the ACT government's Diversionary Conferencing Steering Committee and working party – these groups presented to the ACT Government guidelines and policy in relation to the use of diversionary conferencing of offenders to reintegrate both offenders and their victims back into the community.
  • Work
    • Free range human
  • Education
    • B(Admin), MBA (Exec) AGSM