Stowe Boyd
Futurist, Researcher, and Writer in New York
Internationally recognized work ecologist, analyst, and researcher. I lead Work Futures, an exploration of critical themes of the future, present, and past of work.
My focus is the future of work, and the tectonic forces pushing business, media, and society into an unclear and accelerating postnormal era.
I coined the term 'hashtag' as noted by The American Lexicographical Society and the Oxford English Dictionary, and also 'social tools', 'work management', and 'publicy'.
I've worked with dozens of companies in the past decades, including Microsoft, Google, IBM, and many startups. Earlier I was a computer science researcher/educator, led several software startups, and contributed to dozens of journals and analyst firms.
Contributing Editor, Traction Technology Partners. Formerly Head of Research, Gigaom, President, Corante. I serve on Microsoft’s future of work advisory board, and the Pew Research advisory board on robotics and automation.
I've spoken at dozens of conferences and events worldwide, including Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, GigaOM Net:Work, Reboot, Next, Mesh, Shift, Lift, SIBOS, Defrag, SXSW, SocialNow, Business Innovation Factory, and various TEDx events.