Strictly CM

Country Music Experts, Influencer, and Brand Ambassador in the United States

Like our awesome fan base, we're passionate about Country Music, we share the latest Events, Interviews, Pics and News. We celebrate in the fun of Country alongside our followers.

We have a growing fan base (24K) and are known influencers in the Country Music space.

Our audience is hungry for great content & we're excited to work with amazing brands who make a difference and ignite the same level of passion for Country that we do.

Our fans are interested in great new products and updates, they love music news, movies, books and of course the celebration of Country Lifestyle.

Each month we receive over 12K profile visits and 2M social views a year.


We're proud to be part of the Digital Exposure Network. They have access to millions of followers through collaborative relationships, and also own 30+ brands with a total of 1.7 million fans (around 50 million views a month)! That translates to us giving you a big reach when promoting you to our social media audiences!


65% Male // 35% Female


56% aged 18-34 // 29% aged 35-54


22% up to $50K // 35% up to $250K

12% up to $500K // 7% $500K+


18% $75K-$99K // 24% $150K-200K // 24% $200K+

We're passionate about promoting brands that add value to our fans. You're passionate about getting the word out about YOUR brand...


We're open to collaborating and becoming YOUR brand ambassador. We have excellent partnership packages for brands as well as small businesses. If you're keen to stop paying for advertising that doesn't yield satisfactory results, we should work together!

Here's a few things that we do really well:

>> LEAD GENERATION: Introduce you to potential customers talking about what you sell with a genuine endorsement to kick off conversations.

>> EXPOSURE: Help you promote your services through tweets to our fans. We know what they'll respond to and will help you get your message right.

>> KNOWLEDGE: We'll teach you those things so that you can be more successful.


Click "HIRE ME" for more information.