
Liège, Belgium

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Student & Go ( is THE professional social network for students and employers which aims to help students thrive in a student job in relation to their studies, while building their professional network.


- Helping University or College students in finding a student job that is related to their studies.

- Helping employers who are looking for students by presenting them according to their area of studies and experiences. Why Students? Lower costs for training with the possibility of future recruitment.

Company Overview

This is a company that supports students when looking for student jobs which could help them acquire their first experiences.

Indeed, Student&Go sets up a virtual platform that connects active students with interested employers.


Students can consult a database containing a list of employers willing to hire them for very specific functions in relation to their studies, consistent with their personal skills. From this platform, companies can also access a list of students classified according to their field of study, and therefore able to meet their specific needs.