Scott Turansky

Lawrenceville, NJ

I made an important decision many years ago to invest in my own family. Actually it started much earlier than that when I grew up in a home of Christian parents who invested in me. I was one of the privileged ones whose parents passed the faith on in real and exciting ways that influenced my whole life.

My father was a pastor when I was growing up and he went around helping churches develop children's programs in their churches. I now do similar things. I pastor and I also lead the National Center for Biblical Parenting. We help parents work with their kids using a heart based approach and we help churches develop family ministries to equip and connect with parents.

I am married to Carrie Turansky who is also a published author. But Carrie publishes fiction. She has 20 books out and I have 15. It's not that we're competing. It's just the opposite. We have a shared vision to reach hurting people with the message of Jesus using creativity and personal connections.

Carrie and I enjoy working with the great folks at GraceWay Bible Church as their teaching pastor. We wanted to be in a church that intentionally developed marriages and families.

I speak around the country now teaching parenting seminars in churches to help them develop their family ministries. We have over 150 trained presenters of our seminars as well as 400 trained coaches in our Biblical Parenting Coaching Program.

I love what I do. God has blessed me with each new day. I get up and say, "Lord, thank you for this day. I've never experienced this day before, so I ask that you will guide me to know how I can fit into your plans today."

I welcome you to join me.

  • Work
    • CC Living Hope and NCBP
  • Education
    • Two masters degrees and a doctorate