Suba Subramaniam

Accountant and Business Advisor in London, United Kingdom

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Suba has many years of experience in managing the financial health of rapidly growing businesses, gained across a variety of sectors including charity, manufacturing, commodities, media real estate and IT and at firms of every size, ranging from the smallest start-up to fully matured businesses.

Played various roles within those very challenging business environments, including CFO, Chairman, CEO, Director in various companies, Investor and mentor.

My varied career has given me exposure to:

- Merger & Acquisition processes

- Equity and debt fundraising

- Due diligence process

- Research & Development case works

- Capital restructuring

- Offshore/Onshore business setups

- Business Solutions

He lives with his dearest wife Kavitha,

son Kajan and daughter Kanisha, three very special people of his world and give the meaning for his life.

  • Work
    • Excelcare
  • Education
    • B Ec (Finance)