Brian McGloin

Photographer, Editor, and Consultant in Portland, OR

Brian McGloin

Photographer, Editor, and Consultant in Portland, OR

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I'm a relenlessly curious wanderer -- traveler when I can -- journalist, photographer. I always have a camera or two, most likely a notebook and a black pen. I know more and less than I think I do and I'm humbled and appalled by this. But sometimes I'm not. However, the notion of escape or new discovery is all-consuming. A new adventure is always around the corner, as is a new chance to learn something or tell a story. I prefer the the path less taken, wether that means standing where the other photographers are not, or climbing higher, getting lower, staying cleaner, getting dirtier. Sometimes it means taking an unfamiliar street just because it is strange, maybe a different strain stop. Go. Stop to admire the awe, wonder and beauty all around us. Ask questions. Demand answers. We need to follow the rules just enough so we don't kill each other, but disobey them just enough to live freely and have a good time. A life worth living is one worth doing big; doing good and doing well; and anything worth doing is worth doing to ridiculous excess. Why worry? In the end, no one makes it out of life alive. The best we can do is hope we made a positive impact, left the place a little better and most importantly, had a good story to tell.