Stella Ionis


I started knitting when I realized that I wasn't going to be able to return to the work force after being diagnosed with IPF. It took a few years I think, before the actions clicked enough so that I was able to do more than make "squares" - in scare quotes because they were most definitely NOT square for quite some time. I had random increases and decreases and who knows what going on, but I kept at it out of boredom and determination. Not sure which was greater, but the end result is that today I am the knitter of most excellent SuperSox! I've got an Etsy shop, in theory, but it's always empty because I'm so far behind in my knitting/orders! I like it that way, and I'm not complaining a bit. It makes me feel useful and gives me something to do with my time, and socks are easy to transport for the times when I'm incarcerated at my not-so-local hospital. Errr, I mean, on vacation at my not-so-local spa treatment facility. Yeah, that's it.

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