Susan Reader

My humble studio

When I design, create, draw or paint, I learn a little bit more about myself. Each time I visit my inner core where imagination dwells, I tap into the fountain of my existence. The place where you discover the things you are most passionate about.

In this special place, we connect through our similarities, our fears, strengths, desires, sorrows, and joys. It is where our hopes and dreams live. Where we laugh more. Where we smile more. Pretend more. By connecting these basics, I feel we live a little deeper, our lives are richer.

At an early age, I began drawing and coloring. I did not wish to do much of anything else...well, except climb a tree or two, or read and swing. Oh, that wonderful swing. I would swing for hours with the sun on my face and the wind tangling my hair.

Born in Illinois into a military family, I moved around the Midwest. Throughout a hard childhood, my own secret world, where anything was possible, went with me.

Eventually, I landed in the heartland of Iowa where I fell in love and married. To support our struggling family, my husband and I began creating a unique village constructed from bricks.

We traveled throughout the country selling everything I could paint... and eventually, we converted them into the line of cottages and figurines called Ivy & Innocence.

At the 1997 Americas Mart in Atlanta, GA, the magical world of Ivy & Innocence drew immediate attention. Ivy's Towering Cottage was recognized for its excellence in conception, design and creation. Plus our display won 'Best Visual Presentation Award' based on creativity, visual appeal and design integrity.

Venture with me down a timeless lane to a humble village where the little things matter most. Discover Ivy & Innocence... a magical place born from my imagination, created from a humble brick past and it has persevered.

Ivy has the strength of friendship, the love of family, and the endurance to overcome.

Thank you for your interest in Ivy & Innocence and keeping all things ‘Ivy’ alive.


Stay kind, inspired and inquisitive! You are blessed with life. Always look up and give thanks.