susan bradford
After forty years of calling myself an artist, exhibiting regularly, yet selling only a few of my abstract paintings a year, I began drawing mandalas in 2007. Not only are they amazingly satisfying to create, I soon realized that they might also have commercial potential. What a concept! Even though they require a lot of concentration, doing them brings me peace, space to breathe, and helps calm my busy mind. The mandalas are still more proof that healing and creativity go together perfectly. As a visual artist, Reiki teacher, healing practitioner, writer, improvisational dancer, basket maker, and cook, I have always believed that healing work at its best is creative, and that my art can be a form of healing. Of course, I continue to paint. But now I am a bit all over the place. The mandala prints have expanded to coasters and platters. I'm exploring funky wire baskets. And I'm even making beaded bracelets. And always, as the basis of everything I do, there is Reiki.
Finally, I feel like I am putting it all together.