Susan Ordona

Bestseller Book Expert, Author, and Speaker in the United States

Susan Ordona

Bestseller Book Expert, Author, and Speaker in the United States

Susan Ordona is one of the speakers at the Excellence in Leadership Annual Conference 2016, where she will be talking about Marketing Strategies to a Bestseller Book. Check it out here:

She is a 2-time #1 Bestselling Author, a bestseller book expert who has mentored and helped clients to self publish their books to best sellers.

With her expertise in both publishing and social media marketing she wrote her two best selling books, "Sold Out: Top Event Marketing Strategies To Create The Social Media Buzz For Your Next Event" and the latest one is "Social Buzz For Book: Top Marketing Strategies To Launch Your Book To A Best Seller".

She also Creates Social Media Buzz for Events, being a Socialmediaholic Marketing Strategist herself.

Susan loves people, events, and L I F E!

A wife & a mom and a friend!

  • Work
    • Founder, Social Buzz For Biz
  • Education
    • University of Santo Tomas
    • Kansas State University