Kahofi SUY
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa
SUY Kahofi Jischvi is an Ivoirian journalist and web editor. He began his career in the media and particularly journalism by radio. He produces during 4 years (2003-2007) magazines on various topics for Radio La Voix du N'zi, a local radio station in the eastern part of Côte d'Ivoire. After these 4 years of work, he starts learning journalism at ISTC (Journalism Institute of Côte d’Ivoire). He became assistant-editor for the first Ivorian women's magazine "Ahikpolé International". With this first experience in the field of print media, SUY Kahofi Jischvi joins AVENUE225 web team, one of the first Ivorian information web-site. From 2009 up today, he writes regularly for Avenue225 (www.avenue225.com) but also for EXCELAFRICA (www.excelafrica.com), a pan-African web site dedicated to the African Student all over the world.
At the end of 2010, the journalist decided to launch three blogs. "La Côte d’Ivoire au Jour le Jour", a news blog hosted by the French blog platform Mondoblog of Radio France International (http://eburnietoday.mondoblog.org/). Two other wordpress blogs: "Nous femmes" dedicated to women right and their live in the Ivorian society (http://nousfemmes.wordpress.com) and "Les Echos du Sud" for the news on media development especially radio (http://lesechosdusud.wordpress.com). SUY Kahofi Jischvi continues in the same time to work as foreign correspondent for two radio stations: SUD FM, the first private radio station in Senegal (http://senradiosudfm.com) and West Africa Democracy Radio (www.wadr.org) a sub-regional radio station.