Suzanne Finder

Do you feel emotionally or physically stuck despite having “tried everything”? I get it! I've been there! And if you're wondering if you can regain your health, and feel connected and safe in who you are (aka OK inside), you'll want to read my story…

After graduating from Boston University’s School of Management my sales and marketing career took off. I earned President’s Club (top 10% producer) and a 6-figure income year over year. But these achievements, romantic relationships, and 20 years of psychotherapy didn’t do much to change my ongoing struggle with PTSD, anxiety, depression, autoimmunity - and without being fully aware of it - a lurking sense of unworthiness.

In 2004 I left corporate and started my own marketing company only to meet with failure after failure. I did everything possible to keep the unworthiness from taking over. I found myself taking a coaching course thinking maybe I could learn a few things for myself. That lead to certifications in various body/mind therapies & becoming an interfaith minister.

Here's why I was so stuck and didn't know it (and probably why you are too) - my nervous system had been caught in a trauma response loop, signaling neurochemicals that shut down my ability to think clearly & impaired my body's ability to heal. Until my nervous system could be restored no amount of talk therapy or other treatments had a chance of working. No amount of meditation or “thinking” or “doing” could either.

Things began to change once I started repairing & repatterning my nervous system. At 61, my cellular age was recently measured (in 2023) at 31. (NeuralChek, Porter). My emotional resilience is better than ever -- although it will always be a work in process.

But know this: healing is possible at any age!

Take my FREE Are You Stuck? quiz.

I'll personally review your results and you'll be able to schedule a private consultation.

“Suzanne helped me resolve a complex, chronic physical/emotional issue no other practitioner knew how to fully address.

She brings a combination of deep knowledge & experience with the underlying drivers of frustrating conditions like mine, and a repertoire of exceptionally effective tools.

She builds a container of safety, sweetness, and trust that felt like profound therapy wrapped in friendship.

Several friends have also worked with Suzanne. Everyone has the same sense of amazement and gratitude for her remarkable results. I cannot recommend Suzanne and her work highly enough.