Syarika Bralini

The biggest irony of today is that while it has never been easier to connect with one another, it has never been harder torelate to each other. Story telling has been hailed as thetool of high-impact communication across generations, cultures, and industries. But while technology allows story-telling and story-sharing faster than ever before, the one element that makes a story inspiring is increasingly ignored: its universal meaning.

I coach individuals and organisations on how to think like master storytellers through 'story-design thinking'.

I help individuals map their passions and purposes. I assist writers in finding powerful themes for their story ideas. I work with brands in reframing their products into values (and vice versa).I work with creative entrepreneurs in designing ‘user experience’, determining ‘minimum viable product’, building ‘empathy map’, and generating business models.

My goal is to promote the story mindset in general problem solving and to convert as many people as possible to be 'story-worldly'.