Sylvain RAGOT

Web Developer and Designer in Montreal, Québec, Canada

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I'm a frontend developer, mainly focused on interface's usability & fluidity. I have got 5+ years of experience creating web apps and with 3 years building Single Page Applications using up-to-date technologies like Angular, Zurb foundation, Ruby on Rails, Backbone, AWS, Docker, Git, ...

I also have a passion for webdesign. You know it: there is no great application without a great design(er)! I have started to create mockups for the last two applications I contributed to, and I want to continue to work in this direction (and ideally working with an actual designer).

I love startups ! They are the best place to keep creativity to a high level and stay open to new things (professionnaly and humanly). My previous experiences in such companies made me autonomous and involved not only doing professional tasks but also in the life of the company. I'm also able to quickly iterate over my code / design to take into account user's feedback.