Sylvain Loubradou
Sitges / Barcelona / Spain
Every journey must begin with a first step. My digital journey started 15 years ago first in logistics e commerce and management of large warehouses teams. Back to IT, inspired with the logistic pragmatism and sense of service, I used the modern digital means to revolutionize the mentalities and practices in our old fashioned companies. IT is only a tool, but how amazing it is!
Nowadays I'm willing to change the world ;-) How? Through my activity helping people and companies to hack the way they work together ; through my participation at a non lucrative association explaining in free events the new management and technical paradigm ; through the way I try to manage my own life everyday within my family and comunity...
That's why let's speak together about agility, collective wisdom, usability, transversality, well in fact lets talk about complexity ... but we can speak about triathlon, surf, snowboard, guitar and rock'n'roll too ;-)