Synapse XT

Student, Web Developer, and Software Engineer in 250 Hartford Avenue, Bellingham MA 2019

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To just live a life free of tinnitus, always have background noise available. Keep a television or music player on. Run a fan. Focus your hearing on the air conditioning or refrigerator running. Tinnitus is funny in the way that if you do not hear it, it is not really happening.

Keep calm. Tinnitus is not always related to a major health problem, so calm down so that you do not add stress to your troubles. Worrying will only make you focus more on the tinnitus, which will seem to make it worse. Stay calm and relax so that it is easier to think of other things.

Start playing a musical instrument. Some who suffer from tinnitus have found some degree of relief from learning to play an instrument that requires breath work, such as a trumpet or flute. Whether or not it helps the sound in your ears, learning an instrument removes focus from tinnitus, and you will also develop an enjoyable and enviable skill.