takecy latuaji

Designer, Web Developer, and Photographer in Ponorogo, Indonesia

takecy latuaji

Designer, Web Developer, and Photographer in Ponorogo, Indonesia

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"takecy" id which I use frequently in cyberspace. I do not know the beginning, perhaps because once my friends often call me "ecy," so when creating an email, remember takecy,,,,,

I live in Ponorogo, East Java, a city that people call reog city or reog 'n' roll, whatever .... But I'm a native "Rembang" Central Java, a city that is too close to the sea, so that people will drown before he finished parking the car,....

Maybe it's enough that I can write, because there are no more interesting stories I should write... Thank you to all my friends and you...

#just simple man with simple plan, but... why my problem so complicated.. [lol]

  • Work
    • Takecy Corp.