Tammy Lynn Ewing

I am a 37 year old, wife and mother of two. I was born and raised in Northern California. I was always pretty thin until I had kids. I gained 45 pounds and had to learn how hard it was to lose weight. I worked out with a trainer and got down to a comfortable weight but as I age the weight sticks much easier so fitness has become my way of life.

I realized the only way I was going to stay in front of the problem was to set a personal goal. All of my friends are running marathons but for me the decision to compete in a fitness competition was the best fit. I will be competing in May 2013 on the WBFF stage in Orlando, Florida. I can not wait!

Over the next few months I will continue to balance workouts and a strict diet with family and busy volunteer schedule. Balance is key and a strong relationship is crucial. You have to always give and take. With my faith by her side I know I can do anything. This amazing journey is so exciting. I hope to inspire other women to reach for a new goal. I hope to teach my children through this process that if you set your mind to do something, you really can achieve any goal.

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