Tawfik Shehata
Tawfik Shehata
Its really quite simple. I believe food should make people feel comfortable. Its all about good comfortable surroundings and good people. I have cooked in many different restaurants in Canada and the Caribbean (yes I miss the islands, in case you were wondering). I have cooked Regional Asian, Regional Italian, Jamaican, Classical French, Modern French and the list goes on and on. I have learned many things on my journey but the most relevant is: its not what I cook, its how I cook. I have operated a farm which has given me an understanding of the amount of work involved in getting food to the table and an appreciation for who does the hardest work for what we eat. In many cases the provenance of a product is almost as important as the product itself. For this reason I feel sourcing product is as important a process as preparing it. Luckily for me (and you!) Southern Ontario is a Land of Plenty! The best ingredients make the best food, end of story.