Nikki Hernandez
Hi, and welcome to my about me page! My name is Nikki Hernandez, I’m 17 years old and I am a senior at El Dorado High School, CA. I have been cheering for a total of 7 years and hope to continue into my 8 year. I am on a national ranked competitive cheer team—Apex All Stars. No, not the cheer teams you see on television, or the cheer teams you see at football games, but a highly competitive team that travels around the world competing against the best out there.
This is my last year of high school and I hope to get a scholarship for college—and need your help. Though my parents have been my #1 supporters, the financial cost of paying for me to cheer had become too much of a burden and financial sacrafice. Now this isn’t really what I had planned nor was it something I would have ever thought would even happen, but not cheering isn’t really an option for me. Cheerleading is my ONLY way to college, and if I don’t raise enough money to complete my cheer season, I lose the opportunity to perform for scouts, which means NO scholarship, and NO college.
I have worked so hard to get to where I am today—late nights at the gym, competing with sprained ankles, and staying up for hours thinking of what I can do to make myself better then the last time I walked in the gym. I remember when I was little all I would think about was being the best, and watching girls at competitions saying “I want to be her, I want to be that good.”
Imagine that one thing that makes you the happiest, or that one thing you love to do, now imagine life with out it. Cheer is my escape from everything. It’s when I think I can’t do anything right anymore or when I seem to just fail at everything else, it’s cheering that remains the one thing I can always count on.
My dream is to be able to go to college with a cheer scholarship and continue to compete nationwide at the college level. I have worked so hard to get where I am and refuse to just let go. I want this more then anything and ask for help in making my dream come true. Please join my efforts #teamnikki and help cheer me on by making a donation in sponsoring my dream! Thank you!