Terri Proud

Louisiana, United States

A former State House Representative, who through the hand of the Lord changed direction. Having heard God's word after a slanted nonfactual news article that was written in every National paper, the Lord showed me that what people meant for harm, He meant for good. After hearing God's voice say, "It is not for government to do what I have called the Church to do. Go and be a witness" I packed up and went on a 9 month one-on-one Sabbatical with my Lord. After 9 months He directed me to sell all I had and move to Louisiana. Now, here I am...patiently waiting for His direction and the next step in my life. In the meantime, I am actively pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, writing what the Lord impresses upon me for Christians and blogs, and reaching out to the community.

  • Education
    • Studies Business Administration