Tersia //Gowases

STUDENT: I am currently a doctoral student at the University of Eastern Finland, School of Computing. My research is in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). My research focuses on improving the computer interactions of visually impaired users, using new techniques such as crowd sourcing and eye tracking.

TECH JUNKY: I love love love the Internet. I dedicate this space to the tools that make my daily life easier :) Google (search, mail, docs, chrome, bookmarks etc), Wikipedia, Youtube, TechCrunch, StackOverflow, Workflowy, Dropbox, Firefox & Firebug, MSDN, MsOffice, Yahoo mail, Hitask Megavideo, Watch.Series, Sidereel, Facebook and many many more...

GAMER: I enjoy making games, It often makes me feel "god-like" (creating something out of nothing). My creations include: a series of gaze contingent puzzles, an interface which allows a player's orientation to be controlled with their eyes in a FPS game, and I am currently working on 2 different games, a fishing game and a quiz game. I also enjoy playing games, my favorite games include: DDR, 30seconds, Trivial Pursuit, PacMan, Tetris, Super Mario Bros, and Paperboy -- I literally miss arcades!

BASKETBALL FANATIC: I love Basketball! I played during high school and for 2 years in college. These days I am a table official (literally the best seats in the house), officiating at top level competitions, both in Finland and Namibia. The best part about being an official is that you get to watch your favorite sport for free.

VLOGGER: My friend Myriam Munezero and I have started a video blog called WOMAN 2.0. The aim of the vblog is promote the use of technology amongst women, by showing them how technology can be integrated into or complement every aspect of their lives (e.g. love, relationships, family, entertainment, business and career).

My interests, apart from those mentioned above, watching movies, tv shows and music videos (primarily to find interesting topic for WOMAN 2.0). I am also a voracious reader, I enjoy reading fiction, besides all the academic reading. My favorite books of all time would have to be the The Faraway Tree, a series of children's novels by British author Enid Blyton.