Tanzania Graduates Farmers Association (TGFA)


TGFA is a registered civil society organization whose membership base constitute highly learned, capable, experienced and aspirants of becoming commercial farmers in Tanzania. The Association was founded in 2000 and registered in 2002 with registration (S.O. No. 11625). Membership also comprises agricultural practitioners, consultants, researchers, Youth and women (farmers, agri preneurs and researchers), inspired people from the civil service sectors which deal with agriculture, farm related and agribusiness in general.

The word ‘graduate’, as it appears on the title, does not strictly mean that one has to have university degree, rather a catch word that connotes a paradigm shift in thinking, especially in the developing countries, that farming is largely for the unprivileged, most less educated and poor people in rural areas towards a new thinking that farming can only be meaningful and actual backbone of the economy if and only if the highly learned, capable (in terms of finances and other resources) and inspired individuals in urban areas embark into it even as part-timers. It also aims to send a message to young graduates and university students that farming should not be taken as a last resort rather as a priority area for self-employment and subsequent wealth creation. In this case TGFA pays more attention to practicing graduates/ professionals and use them as role models of best practices. It comprises people from all segments of agriculture such as livestock, tree planting, fish farming, etc.

The major aim of TGFA is to develop a strong graduate farmers’ network in Tanzania to support peasant farmers’ problems and raise the farm productivity by promoting farmer’s entrepreneurship, innovation, science and technology and value addition in the long run through multi sectorial and disciplinary approaches.
Through its practical agenda, TGFA aims to transform Agriculture innovations, agribusiness and Entrepreneurship theories into practice, including translating research findings into user friendly manuals for use by ordinary agricultural societies. Ultimately TGFA aims to change the mindset of farmers, youths and young graduates from becoming job seekers to job creators in agriculture sector. This will eventually bring positive attitudes and steps in agriculture and Agribusiness, education system and Entrepreneurship for social relation and responsibility for economic transformation hence improving science a

  • Work
    • Agribusiness
  • Education
    • Agribusiness