The Bonded Mom

Corpus Christi, Tx

I am on the journey of gentle parenting. I am a lover of Christ. And I am raising warriors.

More specifically, I am a stay at home mom with 3 children. My daughter, Kamryn, is 13 and she was born to me as a single mom. My daughter Summer Grace is 7 and my son Lucas is 3.

My heart has always been into Attachment Parenting, before I even knew what it was. I have extended breastfed all my children and allowed them to self-wean. We have always allowed co-sleeping and my two oldest children willingly moved to their own rooms to sleep with no problems, when they were ready.

Being a mom and wife is the best part of me, outside of my love for Christ.

My husband works as a driver for UPS. He is an amazing man who works so hard to provide for us. We are just a normal family trying to make ends meet and raise a family centered on God's Love.

  • Work
    • stay home mom, babysitter, blogger
  • Education
    • Bachelors Degree in Business Management