the Gypsy Priestess

Denver, Colorado USA

the Gypsy Priestess

Denver, Colorado USA

My name is Leesa Wilson. I AM the Gypsy Priestess: She who embodies the Goddess. She who flows with the cycles, dances with each season and lives by the phases of the moon. She who honors the sacred reflection of the Goddess within herself and her sistars. I AM daughter of the earth and sea and sky. A lover with starlit eyes, hungry kisses, and a pure and naked soul. SHE who is Divine speaks and moves through me in mysterious and tangible ways. It is my pleasure to empower women to remember who they are and it is my soul purpose to assist them in reclaiming their power. I am the founder of Goddess of the Gypsy Moon, where I teach, write and facilitate online workshops and local gatherings. Please join me in awakening, nurturing and honoring the Goddess within you. Infinite blessings to those who find their way here and who cherish and celebrate the Goddess and these sacred pages....

  • Work
    • High Priestess
  • Education
    • Artist, Teacher, Author, Spiritual Midwife