Natural Demodex Mite Treatment for Human Skin in AUSTRALIA


Natural Demodex Mite Treatment for Human Skin in AUSTRALIA

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OZiDEX introduces a revolutionary skincare product designed to tackle the underlying issues beyond the skin's surface.

PROCUTiN focuses on the ubiquitous skin mites known as 'Demodex,' residing within hair follicles and thriving on skin oils and nutrients. These mites have the potential to induce skin irritation, inflammation, and itching, exacerbating conditions like rosacea, dermatitis, acne, and hair loss. Featuring a robust mechanism of action, PROCUTiN operates at deeper skin levels, effectively eliminating Demodex. Its primary role is to aid in the treatment of Demodicosis, a condition caused by these skin-dwelling Demodex mites.

  • Work
    • Natural Demodex Mite Treatment