Lee Pierce

North Texas

Lee Pierce

North Texas

Born at the West Point United States Military Academy in New York. Lived in South Carolina, Guam, New Hampshire, Maine, Florida, Massachussets and Texas. My Bachelors Degree is from Florida State University. I'm married to a wonderful woman from Cupertino, California. I have the most tremendous kids in the world and currently live in Texas.

Most of my career has been with IBM in various roles, but all related to sales. Prior to that I sold enterprise software for Sybase and Powersoft and sold spots for Comcast. I've had a focused career path built on providing and exceeding ROI, but return on investment is earned and planned for accordingly, it doesn't just 'happen' with any magic offering. It encompasses the whole package of preparedness, education, communication, compliance, and execution.

I'm involved in my church, the Boy Scouts of America, and my HOA to name a few organizations. I love outdoor activities like hiking and camping! I spent some serious time in the Appalachian Trail as one of my greatest adventures. I'm a calculated risk taker, but I don't do things on the fly since careful planning can help make any experience that much more enjoyable overall!

My greatest enjoyment in life is helping other people set and attain their goals, whether it's in business or on a more personal level. How exciting that the world is evolving at such a rapid pace! Keep networking and your life opens up with every connection.


  • Work
    • Transitioning from IBM to find my next big thing
  • Education
    • Bachelor of Science from FSU