Aaron Thomas

Johnson City, Tennessee, United States

Aaron Thomas

Johnson City, Tennessee, United States

Currently I'm finishing up the last semester of my Masters in Sport Science at East Tennessee State University. I am a strength coach there and I have a passion for making athletes more athletic as well as helping get injured athletes back to playing their sport.

On top of going to school and being a S&C coach, I work online with clients to help them meet their body composition and strength goals. I started ATPerformance in order to use my education to help others achieve their physique and strength goals through scientifically supported means. I love helping others, and the challenges that it brings. It's similar to working a puzzle, you have all the pieces, but you have to find clues to put it together.

Lastly, I'm into trading and speculation of alternative currencies/ cryptocurrencies. I became interested in bitcoin a few years ago. School got hectic and i forgot about it. Now, i'm back in full tilt and I love the thrill of trading. I'm doing everything I can to learn as much about trading as possible.

If you haven't noticed, i love a good challenge, whether it be physical or mental. I'm always reading and trying to learn anything and everything I can. Continual improvement is what I consistently strive for.

  • Work
    • Student, Strength Coach, Owner of ATPerformance
  • Education
    • B.S. Exercise Science, Masters Sport Science from ETSU