Isis Thompson


I strive to make documentaries that will make you smile. I'm a founding member of Kitchen Sink Collective and I have just completed my first BBC Radio 4 documentary MY NAME IS ISIS about people who, like me have been affected by Islamic State because of arbitrary things like their name. I started out working in several casting and talent agencies and also as a film making teacher amongst children and young people. My films are often of a personal and humorous nature, my 2007 film WHAT IF I TOLD YOU I LOVED YOU, broached the topic of confronting old flames and went onto be broadcast on Current TV. My 2012 Short film PLAYGROUND LOVE for Ch4's Random Acts strand also looked at the subject of love though the eyes of two 16year olds. My NFTS Graduation film THIS FILM IS MEANT TO BE ABOUT STOKELY CARMICHEAL, a personal comedic film about race and sex in 21st century Britain, screened at several European Film Festivals, is being distributed by Soda pictures on DVD with BLACK POWER MIXTAPE and has been added to the British Film Institute Archive. I also co-directed my first feature THE REAL SOCIAL NETWORK in 2011. I've spent the last two summers in South Africa filming with the Women of Marikana, the town where 34 miners were shot by police while striking for a living wage. A project being developed with Roast Beef Productions.