Tiff Keetch

Tiff Keetch

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I love meeting new friends. I love to talk (and I tend to talk louder when I'm excited about something). And I love to create. Most of the time I have about 5-10 projects "in the works" and about 15 more in my head. Bless my hubby for supporting and putting up with all of that! You can see a few of them on the crafty page on my blog.

Oh, you want to know more?

I grew up in San Diego, and moved to Utah when I was eight. Yeah, I really miss the beach, but I love that we get all four seasons here. I'm an only child. I graduated from massage school. Then I found my soulmate and got married. We went to the University of Utah for college.. but we're BYU fans in this house. I got a degree in Public Relations, and then had a baby. Then I blinked and he started Kindergarten. I had two more kiddos, a girl in 2011, and another boy in 2013. They are my world.

I recently started taking pictures professionally, and I've been really enjoying it! Check out my portfolio!

Is that enough? If not.. you can check out a random list I wrote on my birthday, or just check out the label on my blog: about me.

Thanks for stopping in, come back, bring friends, and e-mail me when you want. (Click the little e-mail pop.) To get back to the blog, just click the little orange blogger icon below!