Tim Crosby

Web Developer, Consultant, and Writer in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Tim Crosby

Web Developer, Consultant, and Writer in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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I've got to be honest. If I thought for a moment that I could fit any meaningful biography on this page, I'd be seriously depressed. For that reason alone. Really. My socks have biographies that are too long for this page.

That said, here's the short form. Riddled with guilt accrued during a Catholic education. Contrary. Having to learn how to do it myself before hiring someone else. Annoyed that it takes so long to get things done at the same time I wish I had more time to do nothing.

Yep. Inconsistently, reliably, frustratingly human. Far more curious than is sensible and doggedly devoted to learning everything. And I mean e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

Started out in operations with a Psych education. Bought into a small design and typography firm cuz I was sick of it. Learned to set type. Mastered darkroom. Flew through pasteup. Morphed it into a real little agency in a partnership that eventually blew up. Marketed the Bible in many flavors (you'd be surprised how many), managed a pre-press operation transitioning to digital. Wrote copy. (Won awards.) Wrote and directed scripts. (More awards.) Tried design (Why no awards? Hmmm.) Sat in the VP/CD chair for several years. (Many awards. Thanks to all.) Build a digital practice after learning to code. Continuing to learn and figure out Social while helping others use it to increasingly great effect. (An unending mystery, whatever you hear to the contrary.)

Now I'm dedicated to helping others understand what marketing has become. (Sorry to those who think it hasn't changed.) In the end, I'm driven by a love of making things work and figuring out why they do!

  • Work
    • Crosbyworks
  • Education
    • Psychology
    • Philosophy
    • English
    • Ongoing