Tim Cooke

Seattle, WA

Currently a partner at www.cadencepreferred.com working on engaging and effective marketing and creative campaigns for high-tech clients. When I'm not doing that I hope you find me on the face of a mountain either climbing up or coming down at high speed. Ok, fine, you're right, for the moment I'm hitting the intermediate slopes with my kids, but I aspire to get back to the black diamonds soon! When I'm not enjoying the great outdoors perhaps I'm in the studio recording a voiceover or corporate video. When the kids graduate, I'll likely return to feature films and theatre...if there still is such a thing in 10 years! If there's not, then it will probably be partly my fault as I'll be part of the technology and entrepreneurial revolution that will bring about new forms of entertainment and communication!

  • Work
    • Cadence Preferred
  • Education
    • MBA, Technology Management
    • BA, Speech Communications
    • BA, Business Administration
    • Masters in Classical Acting