Tino Lozano
Sales in California
All my attributes and experience makes me want to always strive and get better I have a great track record in sales as I did internet sales and financial.
My great customer service with a friendly face always have been recognized as I was #1 time and time again at longo lexus and norm reeves Honda for most pushed units sold . also was recognized by the district in the monthly newsletter. I will always continue to improve as I am still young and gain more experience as I have that competitive nature . GO CLIPPERS#1
Experience at longo lexus for 8 1/2 years doing sales sold warranties gap etc.
work at norm reeves Honda superstore for 2 1/2 years as a internet sales manager and hold the record to be the youngest at top units sold and profit made 420k in one year to be exact , currently first place
Worked at world finacial group group as a finance advisor helping families with there finacial struggles so I would implement a plan for them