Tips Android

Student, Web Developer, and Software Engineer in San Jose, California

Tips Android

Student, Web Developer, and Software Engineer in San Jose, California

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Sweet Android 8.0 Oreo Tips and Tricks to Help You

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On the new generations of smartphones, Oreo 8.0 has become a popular update. Let's share sometips androidusers must know to cultivate it!

Now Oreo 8.0 has made its way to the hi-tech versions of Samsung. If you are with a smartphone of the new generations, you should not miss this app. If your phone is the former version of Android, the app gets shared in the OTA.


We will share with you tips that have made this app even sweeter to all android users. Let’s hold up your phone and get started with these amazing experiences.

We first mention the well-known instructions to turn on and off notification from a specific app. You have to view the entire list before deciding to disable certain channels. Usually, you can monitor if you want to receive notifications or not.

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But what if you miss something important?

We can have you to set priority to app notifications- it’s a one of a kind Android tips and tricks.

First, log in your Settings, then reach the Apps & notifications and finally, you come to App info. At the final selection, you can set high and medium alarms to different types and channels. Therefore, you would not miss them for too long, and all of the notifications are still in your view list when you have time to see them.

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Moreover, setting snooze notifications is never easier without Oreo 8.0. By slight swiping aside, you soon see the clock where you can set time when you want the information to come back.

If you are fed up with customs notification views, we have a tip for Android users, let's try dots.

The notification dot will double the size of shortcut containing apps with the news.

Take a look at a similar post here

To do that, you have to reach your setting menu first. Tap to the app and notification selection, and change Allow icon badges into "on" mode in Notification's menu.

Obviously, you can change status by setting it off.

One of the tips and tricks of android phones with Oreo 8.0 that we're proud to mention is the Smart text selector.

If you usually have trouble selecting messages from email or messenger, let's try this tip.