Tom Arias

I am a blogger and writer who focuses on media criticism and social criticism.

We noted the other day that Yuppie Grand Kleagle Tucker Carlson recently hired slut-shaming racist Betsy Rothstein after FishbowlDC decided she was too expensive to keep.

Her new gig at The DC is called The Mirror and here is the header for it and it is all about Washington: that “self-obsessed city“. And of the Besties are here ot help out: self-obsessed Betsy Rothstein, the mean Betsy Rothstein, the cruel Betsy Rothstein, the libelous Betsy Rothstein, the Besty Rothstein who doesn't care about the facts, the angry Betsy Rothstein, the slut-hating Betsy Rothstein, the racist Besty Rothstein, and doubling down racist Betsy Rothstein.

We are now barely two days into The Daily Caller Rothstein Era Of Manic Perceived Slights.