Tom Edward Douglas Johnson

Self-Employed, Founder Blood of Life Foundation, and Musician Writer in Perth, Australia

Tom Edward Douglas Johnson

Self-Employed, Founder Blood of Life Foundation, and Musician Writer in Perth, Australia

Listen to my music

I am a Self-Employed, Founder Blood of Life Foundation, and Musician & Writer currently living in Perth, Australia. My interests range from music to writing and raising funds for God's private trust fund called Blood of Life Foundation, and JESUS most of all!!! I love the Lord and am a Holy-Spirit filled Christian who has learned through experience by going around the mountain for 32 years and finally resting in God's peace and presence and receiving His unending love and destiny to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)...

You can click the button above to listen to a live recording of mine, a raw example of one of the gifts I've been blessed with to bless others in return for the Glory of the Father God, Son of God Jesus Christ the Messiah and the Holy Spirit. I trust in God completely and my personal relationship (not religion) with Jesus has had me experience a progressive healing so like everyone else I'm being refined in the fire and coming out free of all impurity so Praise God!

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