Tony Collins

Tampa, FL

Tony Collins, senior vice president of Florida public relations firm Tucker/Hall, works with corporations, government agencies, non-government agencies and non-profits, as a public affairs and communications strategist.

Prior to joining Tucker/Hall, Collins headed the Department of Economic Development for the City of St. Petersburg, the fourth largest city in Florida. During his tenure, the city launched several successful downtown redevelopment projects — including construction of a new major league baseball stadium and a mixed-use urban retail center. As director of economic development, Collins was responsible for recruiting new businesses and designing and implementing a strategy for urban revitalization and economic development.

Collins’ other public-sector experience includes working on economic development projects in Tampa, Florida, such as the development of the Tampa Convention Center. He has also worked on fiscal and crisis management assignments in Miami, Florida, and on public policy analysis and strategic planning in Newark, New Jersey.

Prior to coming to Florida, Collins had private-sector experience as a real estate vice president at Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, where he was responsible for developing commercial real estate in California, Texas and Arizona.

Collins has served on a variety of business related boards including: Barnett Bank of Pinellas, NationsBank of Pinellas, the Governors’ Council of Economic Advisors, and Enterprise Florida’s International Trade and Economic Development Board. Collins was chairman of the Florida Black Business Investment, served as co-chairman of the Tampa Bay Partnership Marketing Committee, and is a member of Who’s Who in Black America.

Collins is a graduate of Rutgers University and attended the Temple University School of Business. Collins has completed several economic development courses. He has also completed courses in crisis management with the Law Enforcement Institute and the Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium.

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  • Work
    • Strategic Communications
  • Education
    • Rutgers University
    • Temple University School of Business