Thomas Pendelton

Theravada Buddhist philosophy, “Negative mental states persist through continual rebirth until one’s intentions become wholesome.

Matthew 7:1 reads, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”

If you choose to live in a positive light, negativity must be the dark place in which you are choosing to leave. I personally battle daily with Negative thoughts. I’m not one of those people that wake up smiling and eager to tackle the glorious day. This is just a negative idea I had that turned to a bad habit. I am beyond blessed in life and have no reason to be negative. I have however, identified that if I let myself enjoy life or let my guard down I will lose all that I have been blessed with. Again another bad idea created by me. One of the most valuable life lessons I’ve learned is this, If I project so much negativity and judgement onto someone else’s life and their choices, and if I consume my thoughts with some else’s walk in life, before I know it I am following in there footsteps. You are what you eat, so positivity should be your go to food for the soul. This doesn’t mean that sarcasm and cynicism has no place in my life, it just means they aren’t, “my life.”

I started Clarke Brand to honor my Grandfather. By using his name it forces me to put positivity into the world through my ideas, work and via this humble little corner on the world wide web.

Keep things in perspective: shows it has over 101.7 Million blogs with 44.6 Billion blog posts has over 63 Million blogs
Livejournal reports to have 62.6 million blogs with
Weebly states it has over 12 million blogs
Blogster has over 582,754 blogs
Those are staggering numbers. With so many other sites to choose from, and so much negative garbage out there, Its my goal to leave the small amount of people that visit me with a positive vibe.


“Do The Good Thing”