Tracy Ingersoll
EA to Superintendent School Committee in Boston, MA
Tracy Ingersoll is a Human Services and Leadership Management Professional who specializes in performance management. Ingersoll currently represents Wilmington School District as EA to Superintendent & School Committee, a role she has maintained since 2021. She proudly maintains her Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration degrees from Suffolk University.
Outside of her professional roles, Tracy Ingersoll also fuses her leadership energy into her volunteer commitments. Striving to empower the residents of Boston, Ingersoll has participated in countless fundraising events and initiatives in the area. Nonprofit organizations truly are the backbone of any town or city. The efforts of these organizations truly rely on the residents of an area to participate. This is a notion that Ingersoll has remained steadfast on and committed to not only throughout her career, but throughout her life. Whenever Ingersoll can lend her leadership skills to efforts that benefit the residents, she is happy to do so.