Trenton Garmon

Attorney in Birmingham, Alabama

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A seasoned lawyer with years of experience, Trenton Garmon is an advocate, advisor, and attorney. Taking after his father, Garmon is an Alabama lawyer who fights for the injured, abused, and bereft. He tackles insurance companies, major corporations, and elite entities that attempt to strip individuals of their civil rights. Garmon discovered his passion for law while clerking for his dad in high school. At the young age of 17, Garmon was writing briefs, court filings, and impacting tremendous change.

Garmon’s first big win came when he wrote a brief to the Court of Civil Appeals, eventually overturning an unjust ruling. He made such an impression in court that the law he was disputing was later modified. In the hopes of acquiring more knowledge, Garmon clerked for several lawyers throughout his college career, including Clay Hornsby, an attorney at Morris, Haynes and Hornsby. Though he’s brought over 100 cases from onset to judicial decision, he’s encountered some unexpected situations and roadblocks along the way.

Of the many cases that he’s taken on, Trenton Garmon has been unsuccessful in only three of them. Unfortunately, two clients decided against legal counsel, leaving Garmon no choice but to bow out. Even more upsetting was when he discovered that one of his clients had committed perjury on the stand. While these circumstances were unlucky, Garmon’s reputation for excellence soared. In fact, his ability to manage over 4,000 cases has proven his prowess as an attorney.

One case that Trenton Garmon is often applauded for involves medical malpractice. When a family suffered due to gross negligence, Garmon won them a whopping $2 million. Garmon has also sued Fortune 500 companies, Division 1 Institutions, and sheriff’s offices. His work has been so impressive that he’s appeared on CBN, Fox, and other global networks.

Garmon’s administrative work is also worth noting. While serving administratively on cases, Trenton Garmon has achieved $20 million verdicts. These feats allowed him to represent Supreme Court Justices and a member of the City Council. However, these prestigious figures don’t constitute the majority of his clientele. In most cases, Garmon is working for the falsely accused and disabled. When he’s not making great strides in his career, Garmon enjoys spending time with his family, participating in church gatherings, and strengthening his faith.

  • Work
    • Garmon & Associates
  • Education
    • Troy University
    • Regent University
    • Birmingham School of Law