Trish Richardson


Trish Richardson


Trish finds beauty and inspiration in the simple things in life.

Artist, Mother, wife and Early Years Teacher. Trish has been working as an artist for almost 20 years. Her art is inspired by the beauty and splendor of the world around her. She walks, skiies or swims through her world looking at life through the eyes of an artist.. She has many different growing collections from a chair series, still life series, floral series and a series of trees and landscapes. It is not necessarily the object that inspires her but, the way light dances on different objects and casts insteresting shadows, ligts and darks.

In the winter you can find Trish in her cozy home studio with her beautiful creative daughters in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. In the Summer you can find her at the beach with her family!

She graduated from the University of Manitoba Fina Arts honours program with distinction.

Trish spent quite a few years living abroad in London, England where she could be found exploring galleries and gazing at architecture.

She has been a teacher in an early years classroom teacher for about 12 years now. She finds teaching an incredibly creative job. She focusses on creating lessons that inspire and encourage her young pupils to love learning.

  • Education
    • Bachelor of Fine Arts (honours)
    • Bachelor of Education