Timothy Scott Bennett

Writer, Artist, and Filmmaker in North Carolina

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TimothyScott Bennett was born in Michigan in 1958, the same year NASA wasformed and Sir Edmund Hillary reached the South Pole. Always thepolymath, he has studied astrophysics, theology, anthropology, andphilosophy; painted watercolors and installed broken tile mosaics;founded and lived in intentional communities; raised children;restored houses; performed stage combat and local theater; and playedin a rock band.

He's a healer, a psychopomp, a teacher, and adogged questioner of cultures, paradigms, beliefs, and assumptions,and tries to balance paradox and uncertainty whenever he can. In 2003he met his second wife, Sally, who was able to fully see who he was.Thus empowered, he wrote, directed, and edited the feature-length"cult classic" documentary, What a Way to Go: Life atthe End of Empire. He followed that up with thescience-fiction adventure novel, All of the Above, andthe sequel, Rumi's Field. He's currently working on anon-fiction book and a series pilot about his experiences withAsperger's Syndrome.

He lives in North Carolina, where he'sslowly learning to tolerate the humidity as he rehabs their oldhippie house in the woods. He sometimes keeps a blog entitledEverything is Research: Life, Asperger's, and the Written Word,practices his guitar and drums, and works out regularly, thinking ofthe stars, the poles, and the ends and beginnings of things.

  • Education
    • Michigan State University