Two Spores in Britain

podcast, Project Manager, and Student in United Kingdom

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Two Singaporeans who have been great friends for over 10 years, both now residing in Britain. Used to be 22km apart in Singapore, now separated 300km via the A1. Do they have time to start a podcast? No. Are they gonna? Yessah why not, let’s live a lil’.

Join us as we talk about our experiences as Singaporean transplants to Britain, including contested identities while living abroad, what studying and working in the UK is like, long-distance relationships and practise different British accents (are you having a lahvly/lohvly day?). Unfiltered (because we want to be #authentic) and uncut (because we are lazy to edit). We’re keeping it family-friendly, i.e., our families are probably the only ones listening, so we’ll be tame. Also it is not in our general nature to be cuss-y anyway, although one of us loves to hear a good swear-y rant every so often.

Put the kettle on, make some coffee/tea with digestive biscuits, dip in and dig in! Welcome to Two Spores in Britain!