I am a husband from the midwest, a son of the south, a brother of three, a clean cut designer, a confident entrepreneur, a follower of I am. I am a competitor and I expect to win in this gritty game called life.
I am a husband. Married to the beautiful, talented, and passionate Brittany Faith Vilar on January 1st, 2010 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I am a son. Welcomed to the world on July 11th, 1984 in Birmingham, Alabama, as an only child to my wonderful parents, Terry and Kathy.
I am a brother. Wes and Riley followed my triumphant entrance, and we competed in anything that allowed us to keep score. We became competitors.
I am a designer. Drawing during Mr. Sibley's History class in the 5th grade, I perfected the Nike swoosh. In 8th grade I branded a fictitious line of athletic shoes. My neat handwriting tagged me as the token design guy at the University of Alabama. After graduating from college, I took my talents to GMR Marketing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a designer.
I am an entrepreneur. Three and a half years of event marketing later, I left my cushy job on a wave of confidence to jumpstart a design company, Ty Design LLC. I'm passionate about branding, logos, type, and anything vector. In fact, I would use Adobe Illustrator to balance our checkbook if my wife would let me touch our finances.