Joseph Jeng C Sun

Teacher in Taipei, Taiwan

Joseph Jeng C Sun

Teacher in Taipei, Taiwan

Read my blog

A beginning teacher.

I want to change the world one child at at time, and have a real impact on the lives of my students. Part of it is to engage the students with technology such as blogs, youtube videos, educational games...etc. Another is to reflect regularly on personal growth, pedagogical practices, and the challenges facing the teaching profession as a whole.
With an aging population, the entire profession is shifting. What does that mean for me who is just starting out? This blog will help me grow, learn, and reach an audience I otherwise would not have access to. It is a personal as well as a professional journey. I hope to one day have a network of like-minded and inspired people with whom I can learn from.

  • Education
    • University of British Columbia
    • B. A., B. Ed.