Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia


Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia

Hello there, I'm Ulfa Kun, 16th. Stay at home all the time and go to school in the morning. I live around Palembang and I comfortable being here. I really love Allah SWT and of course my parents. I'm a big fan of the Prophet Muhammad. and I'm a stalker a little bit of someone hehe

I love to tell my stories by pictures so that's why I really love to draw and create some artwork. I am not professional artworker, but I'm just an amateur. I still need a lot to learn again how to make a great things and be a professional.

I'm a student, and I hope that I would be University student who aspires to be an architect and hmm communication visual designer. Actually my parents didn't approve of me being an architect due to my mom was an architect when she was young. I understand that being an architect is a lot of work but ideally, I want doing a job which I love and work at home, gives me some time to spend with my parents and my future family that I might be raising amin.

This might be a funny story but thanks for reading :)

check my blog here: www.ulfakundl.blogspot.com

  • Work
    • Student of SMA Negeri 10 Palembang
  • Education