Us Wee Three

‘’Us Wee Three...’’ I can still hear my Granny sing to my sister and I as she enveloped us both in one of her huge hugs. And they were huge hugs – the dear lady was six feet in height (at least that how it seemed). It’s a phrase that has always stuck with me and something my two daughters and I say to one another on a frequent basis. They know my Granny used to say it to me and it reminds us of our connection to her, somehow. It reminds us of our connection to one another.

Evidently, memories are important to me. I have a passion for recording my life with my children. Photographs spill from albums piled onto bookshelves, from frame-filled walls; home videos are crammed onto discs and memory sticks; my Instagram feed stands as a testament to our most mundane of moments (sierra-filtered poached eggs, anyone?)

Now I want to record more than just images. I want to share our experiences with others and, hopefully, have them share theirs with us.

So, here it is - Us Wee Three - a collection of thoughts, anecdotes and my legacy to my children.